Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recommendations when using ICTs

Área propone estar atento a 10 principios para orientar
el buen uso de las TIC en el trabajo de aula. Dichas recomendaciones
las ofrece en tanto decálogo (2007):

a. Lo relevante debe ser siempre lo educativo, no lo
b. Un profesor o profesora debe ser consciente de que
las TIC no tienen efectos mágicos sobre el aprendizaje
ni generan automáticamente innovación educativa.
c. Es el método o estrategia didáctica junto con las actividades
planificadas las que promueven un tipo u
otro de aprendizaje.
d. Se deben utilizar las TIC de forma que el alumnado
aprenda “haciendo cosas” con la tecnología.
e. Las TIC deben utilizarse como recursos de apoyo
para el aprendizaje académico de las distintas materias
f. Las TIC pueden ser utilizadas tanto como herramientas
para la búsqueda, consulta y elaboración de
información como para relacionarse y comunicarse
con otras personas.
g. Las TIC deben ser utilizadas tanto para el trabajo individual
de cada alumno como para el desarrollo de
procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo entre grupos
de alumnos, tanto presencial como virtualmente.
h. Cuando se planifica una lección, unidad didáctica,
proyecto o actividad con TIC debe hacerse explícito
no sólo el objetivo y contenido de aprendizaje curricular,
sino también el tipo de competencia o habilidad
tecnológica-informacional que se promueve en
el alumnado.
i. Cuando llevemos al alumnado al aula de informática
debe evitarse la improvisación. Es muy importante
tener planificado el tiempo, las tareas o actividades,
los agrupamientos de los estudiantes, el proceso de
j. Usar las TIC no debe considerarse ni planificarse
como una acción ajena o paralela al proceso de enseñanza
habitual. (as cited by Román, 2010, p.111)
Román, M. (2010). Cuatro formas de incorporar las TIC a la enseñanza en el aula. In Bilbao, A. & Salinas, A. (Eds), El libro abierto de la informática educativa: lecciones y desafíos de la red Enlaces (pp. 105-122). Santiago: Enlaces, Centro de Educación y Tecnología del Ministerio de Educación.

Flashmob por la difusión del Inglés

Flashmob por la difusión del Inglés

Comments on TETT presentation

The power of literature

It is because of that that we have decided to provide you with a list of links where you can find different activities, exercises and others.

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension II

Reading comprehension III

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body ~ Joseph Addison


Monday, November 15, 2010

Writing the scripts

Hello dear teachers,

We want to share this video with you. This is a video which you can use with your students. As the characters just communicate by their animal sounds, there is no English language used in it. Therefore, you can ask your students to write the scripts for the story and then record their voices using Windows Movie Maker, a freeware program that most computers with Windows have.
You can use this video when teaching vocabulary such as vegetables and animals, or when teaching present simple and past simple, or you can find more useful ways to use it in your EFL class.

Hope you enjoy it!

If you have comments or more ideas, please share them with us. We would be glad to read your comments and opinions.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Games in the classroom

Barry Fun English

Let's have a chat

Practice foreign languages with native speakers through language exchange at SharedTalk. Meet people, chat, send messages, make friends and improve your language skills.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Because newspapers aren't old-fashioned...

FirstNews is a weekly newspaper. Every week, the specialist First News journalists provide up-to-date, insightful and dynamic articles on a range of subjects from politics to popular culture, from science to citizenship, which are relevant and accessible to an audience spanning 7-14 years old.  First News has been published weekly for almost four years and is found on the news stand in supermarkets and newsagents along with all the ‘adult’ broadsheets and tabloids.
It is a fantastic teaching resource. Even the most reluctant reader eagerly picks up the paper to find out what is going on in their world.  Whether it’s news, sport or green issues, something will spark their interest, and as a teacher you can safely put the newspaper down on their desk knowing the well written text and photographs are aimed at readers in KS2 & 3. It’s very much a worthwhile but fun resource.

Some other online newspapers:
International Herald Tribune
USA Today


VoiceThread: Collaboration made simple

VoiceThread allows its users to create collaborative, multimedia slide shows designed for interaction. After an author creates a VoiceThread and shares it with a prescribed audience or to the world audience/viewers can participate in the presentation. Viewers can create/leave comments on the authored work in text, voice (recorded or by phone), and by drawing. Voice Thread states there are 5 ways to interact: using voice (with a mic or phone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). VoiceThreads are made for sharing with friends, students, and colleagues. 

If you're interested, you can check some successful VoiceThread projects here.


Comics in the classroom

Comic Life  is a piece of software that allows you to work with images.

The Benefits of Comic Life in Education

Making comics is fun for everyone, and Comic Life makes it easy. Teachers and students will find Comic Life a very useful software tool, and now it's available for both Mac and Windows platforms.
Technology not only changes how we write, but it also changes what writing is. Education will need to re-evaluate which writing skills teachers should pass to their students. Digital graphic writing is one genre students need to be fluent. Comic Life is the "word processor" of digital graphic writing.

Key benefits of using comics in education

- A great visual Representation of Knowledge
- Presents what is essential
- Easier to remember a visual graphic containing key information
- Engaging through thinking, creating and writing.
- Perfect avenue for writing dialogue
- Incites students with low interest in writing
- Helps organization through storytelling and storyboarding
- Using visual images convey meaning to a story or topic
- Develops creative and higher level thought processes
- Develops composition techniques through visual-verbal connections
- Enriches reading, writing, and thinking
- Serves as and assessment and evaluation tool
- Sequencing promotes understanding


Welcome to Teaching English Through Technology
